Coconut Oil for Healthy and Shiny Hair

Coconut oil is a natural product that can be used for everything from cooking, removing makeup, to moisturizing the skin. Not only that, the benefits of coconut oil for hair are also many. Coconut oil contains a chain of fatty acids consisting of lauric acid, capric acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. Therefore, coconut oil contains antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. This natural oil can even fight the effects of free radicals and can increase skin moisture. The benefits of coconut oil for the skin have been tested, then how about hair?

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Coconut oil is suitable for almost all hair types. This natural oil is thought to help restore hair health and shine, improve hair texture, and overcome daily hair damage. Here are some of the benefits of coconut oil for hair:
  • Moisturize hair

  • A study found that lauric acid in coconut oil can work as a hair conditioner when used before shampooing. Prioritize natural coconut oil that is free of chemicals to get soft, healthy and radiant hair.
  • Repair damaged hair

  • A study was conducted to compare coconut oil with sunflower oil and mineral oil. Coconut oil with lauric acid content has been shown to be more effective in helping to reduce protein deficiency in hair than the other two oils. Coconut oil can be absorbed to the hair shaft layer so that it helps overcome the damage that occurs.
  • Make hair longer

  • Pollution, weather, air, sunlight, coloring, and hair styling tools can damage the crown of the head making it difficult to grow long. Coconut oil is thought to protect hair from damage and make it longer.
  • Preventing hair loss

  • Coconut oil can prevent damage to the hair shaft to loss caused by excessive care.
  • Treat dandruff

  • Coconut oil is antimicrobial and antifungal, so it is believed to be used to treat dandruff caused by fungus on the scalp. However, further research is still needed to prove this claim.
  • Prevent head lice

  • Spraying a mixture of coconut oil and aniseed to the head is considered 40% more effective in treating head lice than the chemical permethrin.

Use of Coconut Oil for Hair

Here are suggestions for using coconut oil for hair so that the crown of our heads is always healthy, beautiful and shiny:
  • Before shampooing

  • Apply coconut oil and leave it for 15-30 minutes before shampooing, especially on the stem to the ends of the hair.
  • As a conditioner

  • Coconut oil can help strengthen hair and prevent split ends. The trick, drop coconut oil on the conditioner that is commonly used, then apply on the hair shaft.
  • Tangle Hair Care

  • If hair is difficult to manage, apply a number of coconut oil tests on wet hair.
  • As a hair mask

  • Massage the scalp using two teaspoons of coconut oil. If necessary, use a comb so that the coconut oil is evenly distributed. Comb from root to tip of hair. Ponytail or roll your hair, then wrap it with a head covering. Leave it for several hours or leave it overnight, especially if your hair is dry and damaged. After that, shampoo as usual.
You can start trying these methods to get the benefits of coconut oil for your hair. But if your hair still has problems, you should consult a doctor to get the right treatment.


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